Shh…Let’s Play
Saturday 26/4/25, 6pm - PROJECT ARTS CENTRE
Shh…Let’s Play celebrates childlike moments of dreaming, playing and laughing. This intimate concert incorporates creative listening, comic gesturing, instrumental experimentation and creative game play. Through exploring the CUBE concert space by scattering the different pieces in different places within the room, the audience goes on a journey of playful discoveries, from video lullabies, to flashmob movements, to game-play between performers and the audience, and finishing with an absurdist musical theatrical performance.
PROGRAMME / Duration: 60 mins
Aviva Endean, Song invitation : Lullaby, 2015, 4"
Winnie Huang, tick tock iiiiii, 2021, 12"
James Saunders, something happens then something else happens then all sorts of other things happen, 2025, (version for 4 performers), 10"
Benjamin Soistier, Conduite Accompagnée, 2024, (version for 4 performers) 10"
Tim Cape, Soother, (2025) 25"
PERFORMERS : Winnie Huang, gestures and violin - -Szymon Kaça, clarinet - Louise Leverd, cello - Benjamin Soistier, percussion - Tim Cape composer with collaboration with Alan Fielden, text and dramaturgy.
soundinitiative has received support from the Maison de la musique contemporaine (MMC) as part of the aid for the production and dissemination of contemporary works for 2024, and from Diaphonique, the Franco-British-Irish fund for contemporary music in partnership with Sacem, the Friends of the French Institute of the United Kingdom, the British Council, the French Institute, the National Music Centre, Culture Ireland and the Francis and Mica Salabert Foundation.
Soother was commissioned by soundinitiatve with funding from Diaphonique.